Our Dedicated Personal Injury Lawyers Discuss Orange County Wrong-Way Accidents 

When you’re involved in a wrong-way accident on a highway or city street, you may face catastrophic injuries. Any type of crash can be life-changing, but a head-on collision can be especially devastating—even deadly. When you're hurt in a wrong-way accident

Wrong-way accidents make up a small percentage of accidents in Orange County, but they’re some of the most brutal. If you’ve been injured in a wrong-way car accident, you may wonder whether you can afford to hire a lawyer and what legal counsel can do for you. Our skilled personal injury lawyers at Case Barnett Law understand the significant impact this type of accident can have on your life, and we’re committed to helping you seek justice. We’ve helped hundreds of victims of wrong-way crashes get fair compensation, and we can help you, too. Here, we discuss the many causes of wrong-way collisions, the injuries a victim can suffer, and why it’s important to have an attorney to help you obtain an honest settlement. 

Wrong-Way Accidents in Orange County CA

In the ten-year period from 2010 – 2020, there were nearly 180 wrong-way accidents in Orange County. These crashes resulted in over 80 injuries and 25 fatalities. On- and off-ramps are high-risk locations for wrong-way accidents, and highways I-5, SR 55, and 57 are particularly dangerous for these types of collisions. Because a wrong-way crash is 12 times more likely than other accidents to result in a fatality, the attorneys at Case Barnett Law want to help you understand more about these crashes, what causes them, and what to do if you’re injured in one of them. Understanding the primary causes of these accidents is helpful for preventing them and for determining liability.

Common Causes of Wrong-Way Accidents in Orange County

A leading cause of wrong-way accidents is impaired driving. Those who get behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs often miss one-way road signs or important road markers that indicate they’re driving in the wrong direction. Other common causes of wrong-way accidents include the following:

  • Distracted driving. Drivers who are on their cellphones, using their onboard GPS, or are not paying attention may miss critical road signs, such as “Wrong Way” or “Do Not Enter.” Drivers who take their eyes off the road for any reason, remove their hands from the wheel, or let their minds wander can contribute to a wrong-way accident.
  • Medical emergencies. When a driver suffers a sudden medical emergency, such as a heart attack, they can veer off course and not realize they’re driving in the wrong direction.
  • Road rage. When drivers are angry, they may intentionally drive on the wrong side of the road to pursue another driver.
  • Age-related mistakes. Older drivers who are experiencing a cognitive decline may be confused or unable to comprehend road signs.
  • Poor highway design or designations. If roads are poorly marked or exit and on ramps aren’t lighted properly, drivers can sometimes get confused and travel in the wrong direction.

Possible Injuries After an Orange County Wrong-Way Accident

The consequences of a wrong-way collision can be severe and are often life-changing. Victims of this type of crash may experience the following:

  • Traumatic injuries. Head-on collisions often result in severe head injuries and spinal cord damage.
  • Chest and internal injuries. A wrong-way crash can leave victims with internal organ damage, such as injuries to the kidneys, lungs, spleen, and liver. This damage is usually caused by blunt force trauma or a penetrating injury. Additionally, a wrong-way crash victim may suffer chest injuries, including a collapsed lung, broken ribs, and contusions.
  • Psychological trauma. After a head-on crash, victims may deal with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They may suffer panic attacks when driving on the same road where the wrong-way collision took place and/or develop avoidance behaviors that make them fear driving or riding in vehicles. These conditions can last months to years after the accident.
  • Financial difficulties. Medical bills, lost wages, and long-term care needs can quickly overwhelm a family's finances.
  • Wrongful death. A wrong-way crash can end in a wrongful death that leaves a family to deal with immeasurable loss. 

Injuries caused by a wrong-way crash can range from mild to severe, and sometimes they’re even fatal. The severity usually depends on how fast the car was moving, whether the driver/passenger was wearing a seatbelt, and if the airbags deployed.  

How Our Orange County Wrong-Way Accident Lawyer Can Help

The first step to financial and emotional recovery after a wrong-way crash is to hire a personal injury attorney. The legal team at Case Barnett Law understands what it takes to fight insurance companies to get you a fair settlement. We will help with the following:

  • Investigate the accident. Our team will gather critical evidence, including surveillance footage, witness statements, and accident reconstruction reports. Having the right evidence is important to prove liability and help you obtain fair compensation.
  • Identify all responsible parties. There may be more than one at-fault party, and our team will determine all avenues for pursuing compensation for your losses. 
  • Calculate the total amount of damages. When we calculate total losses due to the wrong-way crash, we’ll include all current and future costs related to your injuries and make sure they’re accounted for in your claim.
  • Negotiate with insurance companies. Communicating with insurance companies is never easy or pleasant. Our attorneys will skillfully handle all communication with them to protect your rights and maximize your settlement.
  • Take your case to trial. If the insurance company refuses to negotiate a fair settlement, our legal team can take your case to trial and fight for the compensation you deserve.